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Probus Clubs are geared towards retirees who are looking for friendship, fellowship and fun. While some Probus clubs are men only or women only, our club is a combined club, which means that couples can enjoy an outing together. But you do not have to be in a relationship to join, single women or single men are welcome. Similarly if say, a man or a woman wanted to join, but the partner did not, that's fine. All of our activities are designed for both sexes (or if you are gender neutral that's OK too).

We meet at 10.00am every 4th Tuesday, except December, at the Mairangi and Castor Bays Presbyterian Church, 10 Penzance Road, Mairangi Bay. At our meetings which are two hours long including a morning tea break, we keep business matters and housekeeping to a minimum. A typical meeting consists of Welcome, notices, a 10 minute mini talk, morning tea then a guest speaker for about an hour, which more often than not is an audio/visual presentation.

But our fellowship is not confined to meetings. We have outings to places of interest, a mid-year special lunch and of course a Christmas lunch. Ten months of the year on the first Sunday of the month we meet for lunch at the Bays Club. On the third Monday of the month we will be meeting at the Bark & Brew Cafe in Browns Bay for morning coffee at 10.15 am. Other activities include Mahjong, 10 pin bowling, Trivial Pursuits etc. However, the biggest reward you get from joining our club is the friendship you will receive.

Details of future events can be found under "Past & Current Events" see "Information" in the menu line above.

Bark & Brew
17th June 2024
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